Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sears 18 months pics

We took Madelyn back to Sears to get her 18 month pictures taken. She was a little turkey but we still got some great shots!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Super-Madelyn flys around and around...

Madelyn says Hello

Madelyn says More, Laughs on command and says Good Girl

Madelyn says Wylee, Juice, Please, & ThankYou

Madelyn says Please, Alright, Yellow

Madelyn says All Gone

Madelyn says Thank you and Yellow

18 Months

Madelyn is already 18 months. She is so much fun. She is up to 21 1/4 pounds and is 30.5 inches tall. We finally put her in a forward-facing car seat and now car rides are much easier. She talks up a storm (unless you want her to show off in front of someone) and has a vocabulary of 25+ words and growing every day.
Madelyn loves to talk on the phone. She usually just laughs and doesn't say much.
Four generations of the Freidenberger Family on Father's Day. Melinda, Grandpa Bob, Great-Grandpa Poppy, Aunt Bonnie and Madelyn.

A little mac-n-cheese mess
Madelyn is fascinated with Melinda's bras. Melinda got out of the shower one morning to find Madelyn walking around with the bra (Daddy helped her get in on correctly).
Her hair doesn't look as long anymore because it gets curly
Melinda bought a beautiful hanging basket for the front porch. A bird decided it was a lovely place to build a nest and we got to watch 3 little baby birds for a couple weeks until they learned to fly away. Now the plant is dead because Melinda was afraid of drowning the birds so it didn't get watered like it needed.