Madelyn loved vacationing in Mexico!

We met a mom in the airport that saw Madelyn and felt guilty for leaving her little girl at home, so Madelyn was thankful to be on vacation with her Mommy and Daddy.

Madelyn actually kept her sunglasses and hat on

Walking out into the ocean

Letting the waves hit our feet

Madelyn loved playing in the sand with her new toys

Madelyn and Mommy playing on the beach

Daddy burying Madelyn's foot in the sand

Madelyn in her new pool float

The view of the bay from Barcelona's Tapas - where the chocolate cake was awesome!

One of the many sand sculptures along the Malecon

Madelyn and Daddy by one of the many pieces of artwork along the Malecon

We were unable to go on a whale watching cruise, but we did see one whale jumping all along the bay

We had read that the streets were not very stroller-friendly, so we took the baby backpack instead. It worked great and everyone (locals and tourists) had to comment on it. If pharmacy doesn't work out, we are moving to Mexico and selling baby backpacks.

Two iguanas up in a tree

Madelyn loved these statues. Every time we walked by them on our way to the marina she would point

Madelyn slept in a crib across the room from Mom and Dad. In the morning she would wake up, stand up in her crib, see us and smile or say "hi". The humidity made her hair cute and curly.

She was fascinated with the musicians that sang to us as we ate lunch at Agave Grill - where they made great salsa at your table and the dessert of rice pudding topped with banana mousse was great!

Beautiful sunset from our balcony

One last nap in Mexico - she was crunched up on the edge of the crib