Melinda is now 22 weeks pregnant and feeling great. We were able to have the 20-week ultrasound performed on Sept. 22. Everything looks good so far. This baby is a mover, much more than Madelyn was. We love the surprise factor, but it was very obvious,
We are having a.... (scroll down for the answer)

Melinda's tummy is getting bigger and bigger

Peanut's (the baby's nickname) foot

A profile shot of little Peanut

Melinda knew the ultrasound tech from a
Kindermusik class she did a little 4-D for us. This is Peanut sucking on its hand. You can see the eyes, nose, lips, hand, and chin. (She told us the best time for 4-D is between 26-28 weeks, after the baby has put on a little fat but before it is too squished)

Even the baby gave us a thumb's up sign!
So it was very obvious that We are having a BABY!!!! (not a puppy or kitten) We love the surprise factor too much. Before the tech even had a chance to ask Melinda blurted out that we didn't want to know the baby's sex, so she didn't even scan that area of the baby.