Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Professional newborn pictures

We took our Xavier to Sears to have his pictures taken when he was just 9 days old (on Feb. 10th). We think they are pretty precious!
All hands on the little man A cute little smile. He actually smiles quite often so we are thinking he'll be a happy little guy.
The tag says it all
Taking pictures will make a little guy sleepy
Cute little toes
Cute little hands
Mommy loved this picture even though he's not a happy camper (this is actually a rare sight)
Our "little peanut"

A day in the life...

Life is going well for our new family of four. Xavier is such a mellow little fellow. He only cries when he's naked (diaper changes mainly), if he gets really hungry, or if he's tired. He easily calms down. There have been two nights when Mommy has had to wake him up for him to eat. Daddy goes back to work on Wed. Feb. 11 so we'll see how Mommy survives.
Madelyn loves her little brother. She loves to hold him. She also loves to give him hugs and kisses.
She held his hand during "family movie night."
Sleeping on his hands
Spending some time on the belly and sleeping on the Boppy
"Hands Up"
Having a little man-to-man time
Madelyn and Daddy making Chex Mix
Our pretty "big girl"
Xavier got his first sponge bath and he wasn't real fond of it. He just doesn't like "naked time."
The only time during his bath that he wasn't screaming was while he peed and when Mommy turned him onto his belly (he does seem to like "tummy time")

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

More baby Xavier pics

Our sweet baby boy! Cute little lips
I'm sooo tired! Maybe I should have slept last night instead of keeping Daddy and Mommy up all night.
Madelyn loves her baby brother Xavier. She likes to hold him and even gives him her beloved "Pinky" doll. She loves to watch him get his diaper changed but it bothers her to hear him cry.
Daddy is such a proud Papa to have his little boy!
Xavier tends to really work his tongue. The nurses at the hospital said that he probably sucked his tongue in utero.
Mommy's sweet little man!
Sleeping (so I can stay up all night!)
Such a little man dressed in his sweater.
Our little frog man always has his little legs bent up like he's going to hop
All dressed and ready to go home from the hospital
A sign to let the neighbors know our bundle of joy has arrived
Wylee had to sniff out Xavier and make sure he was okay. So far Wylee has been great and just very concerned if the little guy cries.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Xavier Lewis has Arrived!! ;)

Melinda holding baby Xavier with the delivery crew: Dr. John Bratteli and Zoe. Thanks guys! Xavier does not have as much hair as Madelyn did and it's also a little lighter.How precious! Our boy to round out the family! So far he has been very mellow.
Still wet and weighing in at 7 lbs 3.2 oz with a length of 19.5 in. He joined our family at 10:00 AM Mountain Time.