tired! Maybe I should have slept last night instead of keeping Daddy and Mommy up all night.

Madelyn loves her baby brother Xavier. She likes to hold him and even gives him her beloved "
Pinky" doll. She loves to watch him get his diaper changed but it bothers her to hear him cry.

Daddy is such a proud Papa to have his little boy!

Xavier tends to really work his tongue. The nurses at the hospital said that he probably sucked his tongue in

Mommy's sweet little man!

Sleeping (so I can stay up all night!)

Such a little man dressed in his sweater.

Our little frog man always has his little legs bent up like he's going to hop

All dressed and ready to go home from the hospital

A sign to let the neighbors know our bundle of joy has arrived
Wylee had to sniff out Xavier and make sure he was okay. So far
Wylee has been great and just very concerned if the little guy cries.