Life is going well for our new family of four. Xavier is such a mellow little fellow. He only cries when he's naked (diaper changes mainly), if he gets really hungry, or if he's tired. He easily
calms down. There have been two nights when Mommy has had to wake him up for him to eat. Daddy goes back to work on Wed. Feb. 11 so we'll see how Mommy survives.

Madelyn loves her little brother. She loves to hold him.

She also loves to give him hugs and kisses.

She held his hand during "family movie night."

Sleeping on his hands

Spending some time on the belly and sleeping on the

"Hands Up"

Having a little man-to-man time

Madelyn and Daddy making
Chex Mix

Our pretty "big girl"

Xavier got his first sponge bath and he wasn't real fond of it. He just doesn't like "naked time."

The only time during his bath that he wasn't screaming was while he peed and when Mommy turned him onto his belly (he does seem to like "tummy time")