We went and enjoyed breakfast with Santa. After eating, the kids got to sit on his lap. This was the first time Xavier got to meet Santa and it was the first year Madelyn actually sat on his lap and didn't cry!

Madelyn enjoyed helping decorate the Christmas tree.

Madelyn in the Santa hat.

Madelyn in her Christmas dress that Grandma and Papa Freidenberger got her.

We all got matching pajamas for Christmas. We decided we wanted to do pictures for our Christmas cards dressed in them. Aunt Suzette took our pictures for us.

Xavier has a hard time being on his belly and not crawling away.

Madelyn and Mommy

Madelyn holding onto Rudolf and Xavier holding onto Santa (both of these toys were Michael's when he was a kiddo)

We decided this pose might work better when the kids get a little older.

We wanted to get some pictures with Wylee in them, but it's hard enough to get two kids to cooperate, let alone two kids and a dog.

Xavier and Daddy