On her actual birthday we celebrated from the moment we woke her up to the time we went to bed. She wanted to go out for dinner and eat ribs (her favorite). Her good friends Treece and Allison went to dinner with us.

Daddy and Mommy woke up Madelyn on her birthday with a "birthday donut" complete with three candles.

What a fun way to start your birthday!

"What's up with this? My sister gets a donut and I get dry cereal?"

Yum! A donut for breakfast is a very special treat!

The girls gets a jelly-filled donut, but won't eat the jelly part. She was mainly into the powdered sugar outside.

And she had powdered sugar all over her face as evidence.

Funfetti cupcakes with pink icing and sprinkles! I think that may just be the definition of happy.

Opening presents. Xavier got her an ice cream set!

Xavier had to check out Madelyn's new musical sit-n-spin from Grandpa and Grandma Marks.

Time to blow out the candles!

She didn't like the pink icing at all! She just looks like she's up to something in this picture.

Having an ice cream party with Allison.