Xavier got hold of Mommy's keys and crawled to the door to the garage and kept saying "bye bye" so I asked him if he wanted to go for a drive. At first I sat him in the driver's seat and the first thing he did was grab the seat belt (Safety first!). After I unbuckled him he stood up to drive. He figured out how to turn the radio on and up. He had a ball. Maybe he will be a Nascar driver when he grows up.

Madelyn had her Spring program and the older kids graduated to kindergarten. She is sad that some of her friends will no longer be at preschool.

The Freidenberger grandparents and great grandparents came over for Memorial Day weekend. Adriana and Madelyn enjoyed having a tea party with Grandma.

Xavier hanging out with Great Grandpa Poppy (and Devin the dog)

Amelia trying on Madelyn's sunglasses

The boys playing at the park

Xavier walking with Great Grandma Lois

Nice hair buddy!

Madelyn had her first dance recital on June 5th. She looked like a little princess dancing on the big stage.

Poor girl was tired after the first performance and wasn't very excited about getting ready to go back for the second performance that evening. It took a little bribing with a sucker and going out for ice cream after her performance.

Xavier finally decided to take off walking on June 7th (Grandpa and Grandma Freidenberger's Anniversary and Aunt Suzette's Birthday). Mommy and Daddy were in the kitchen and looked up to see him let go of the couch and walk across the living room. He walks with his hands in a position to do the tango.