We took a family vacation to Myrtle Beach, SC May 15-22. We drove to Denver the day before we flew out and stayed at the Aloft hotel and spent another night there the day we flew back. We really enjoyed our vacation and would love to go back.

Madelyn and Daddy having a pillow fight the night before we flew to SC.

Dinner the first evening in Myrtle Beach.

Xavier on tip toes trying to look out the window. The first morning in our resort we were getting ready and Madelyn was looking out the window and said she saw a turtle. Mommy and Daddy thought she was crazy until we looked out into the pond and saw a bunch of turtles.

Madelyn and Daddy walking on the beach. The sand was so soft and there were tons of sea shells along the beach. Madelyn loved collecting them.

Xavier and Mommy on the beach.

Daddy and Xavier watching the waves roll in and getting their feet wet. Xavier loved the ocean!

Stopping to brush off the sand. Madelyn bent down to get a sea shell and a wave came in and soaked her. She wasn't very happy about the situation.

We had lunch at Planet Hollywood and the kids took a picture with Gizmo. Madelyn was fascinated by him so after we got home we got the movie. She quickly decided she had no desire to watch it as it was pretty scary.

Making hand prints just like all the famous people

Relaxing Poolside

What's a beach vacation without a pina colada (virgin)?

Floating around the lazy river

There were tons of turtle, fish, geese and ducks in the pond at the resort. We got a cheap loaf of bread and the kids loved feeding it to all the critters.

We were pretty surprised with how well Xavier did keeping his sunglasses on, and we went the whole week without him breaking them.

Breakfast on our patio

We walked into a candy store and Xavier kept pointing to everything and saying "Yum, Yum"

Madelyn and Daddy picking out some salt water taffy

Feeding the fish at Broadway at the Beach

Poor tired boy getting a drink of Mommy's water

Madelyn with her palm tree at Margaritaville

She liked the "show" when the hurricane spun around and a bottle of rum came down from the sky and poured into the huge blender, but it was a little too loud for her.

Tired boy could only cover one ear because he had to suck a thumb

There were two sets of goslings at the lake. This was the younger set, we called them the "babies"

This was the older set, we referred to them as the "teenagers."

Our picture with the princess at Medieval Times. We cheered for the yellow knight and he ended up winning the tournament. The kids loved the dinner and show! Xavier was sitting on Mommy's lap and when all the knights came out riding their horses he started "riding" his horse on Mommy's lap.

The knights came over to the crowd and threw flowers. The Yellow Knight threw the first flower of the night directly to Madelyn. It landed on her place mat.

As soon as Xavier was dressed and got shoes on he was ready to go. He would crawl over to the door and say "bye-bye" as he tried to open the door.

Xavier with his catch of the day at the Marsh Walk

Madelyn with the Sea Captain--a restaurant that was fabulous. The She Crab soup was about the best soup we have ever eaten.

Daddy and the kiddos on the beach

Mommy and the kiddos on the beach

Madelyn the mermaid

Family photo after some beach time

Myrtle Beach is known for miniature golf courses and we saw lots of neat ones. Our resort had its own little nine hole course. We were glad we hadn't paid for one of the really cool courses since our kids had the attention span for only three holes.

Madelyn and a few "pom pom" trees (that's what she kept calling them, they are no longer known as palm trees).

Both kiddos loved the pools at the resort. Madelyn got to try out her new water wings here.

Daddy and Xavier flying a kite on the beach.

Madelyn loved playing in the sand. She had no desire to go out in the water until we finally made her on our last day there. Once she went out and let a couple waves hit her legs she kept wanting to go out farther and farther. One wave hit her and got her face wet but she just spit out the salt water and laughed about it (we were afraid she would cry).

Madelyn flying the kite while Xavier and Mommy hung out in the ocean. Xavier loved the water and would cry when you walked back to shore. Even when he was dead tired he wanted to lay his head down on your shoulder and just watch the waves roll in.

Melinda had to stop at a Dunkin Donuts for some munchkins. Xavier obviously liked them as well as Mommy. Mommy sat him on the kitchen counter while she filled up his cup and in a matter of seconds he had reached in the box (which was closed) and pulled out a munchkin and started munching on it. Little turkey!

A family picture after our last dinner in Myrtle Beach (at the Bonefish Grille).

After we got back to the resort we decided to use up the last of the bread and feed the ducks and geese. Mama goose came over and hissed at all the other geese and ducks so they ran off and her babies got to come eat. We were able to feed them out of our hands. One actually pecked Mommy because she obviously wasn't feeding him enough.