Grandma Marks got to come and visit for a few days! It had been over a year since she had seen Madelyn and this was the first time she had seen Xavier. We really enjoyed having her and wished we were able to see her more often.

Daddy squished himself between the two car seats in back so we didn't have to take a second car. He wasn't very comfortable, but the kids loved having him sit with them.

We took a trip to Dinosaur Journey in Fruita. Madelyn showed Grandma all around.

"Come look at this one Grandma"

Madelyn rode the dinosaur and she let her little brother go along for part of the ride and he seemed to enjoy it

Madelyn's favorite things at the museum are digging for bones and riding out the earthquake.

Madelyn has always loved the museum, but this time was a little scared by the growling, spitting dinosaur. "But Grandma, he's LOUD"

Showing Grandma another exhibit

Giving my sister some love while taking a ride on the dinosaur

Xavier seemed to enjoy the museum.

Madelyn and Mommy digging for dinosaur bones

Madelyn had earned a trip to Chuck E. Cheese's for filling out a good behavior chart. This was our first trip to Chuck E. Cheese when the mouse himself came out. Madelyn wasn't at all scared, but excited and wanted to have her picture taken with him.

Xavier thought he was pretty cool too!

Watching Chuck E. Cheese perform.

Madelyn was playing a game...

...and Xavier loved watching her!

Saying good-bye before nap time

And you can't leave without a good-bye kiss.