Our church had a harvest party the night before Halloween so we enjoyed that. We all dressed up (Madelyn requested that Mommy dress up after I showed her that I had a costume). Madelyn enjoyed the bounce house, games, and candy!

All of our "kids" dressed up for Halloween. On Halloween night we handed out candy and went trick-or-treating to a few houses in the neighborhood. Madelyn loved it and said "I want to go trick-or-treating again." Next year honey.

Daddy carved a Tinkerbell just for Madelyn and Mommy carved a pumpkin just like Xavier's shirt.

Has there ever been a cuter elephant or prettier Tinkerbell? I think not!

It takes a Superdog to carry an elephant

Madelyn's first pixie stix. She loved it (what's not to love about flavored sugar in a tube)!

Tinkerbell even had her blue moon stone scepter just like in the new movie

Side view of the cutest elephant ever

"But Daddy, it looks gross! I don't want to touch it, my hands might get dirty."

The one handful she got out of the pumpkin. Our little girl is quite the girly girl sometimes.

Mommy showed Madelyn the Raggedy Ann costume and Madelyn wanted to try it on. She was pretty amused with herself.

She did look pretty cute even though the outfit was just a little too big.