Michael has had his Explorer for 10 and 1/2 years and Melinda has had the BMW for 5 and 1/2 years, so we decided it was time to get a new vehicle. Michael has wanted a new truck for quite some time, so we broke down and got a new 2009 Ford F150 FX4! We love it and all the new features.

We are going to get a cap on the back so that Wylee can ride and we don't have to worry about her falling out.

It has on-board navigation, heated seats, a sunroof, and we can use our phone or listen to music from the iphone without any wires! We also love all the storage space.

There is so much room in the back! Madelyn can stretch her legs all the way out and not touch the front seat. We have the kids sitting next to each other which they really enjoy.